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About Movement By Design

At the core of our existence lies a blueprint that intricately connects us all. Before we are differentiated by aura mechanics, strategy & authority, sex, height, size, belief systems, race, religion, thoughts, opinions, socioeconomic status, or by familial, society, and social conditioning, WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS. Before we can focus on our differentiation, we must learn to hone and master the variables that all 8 billion people on this planet have in common. That’s our primary objective at MxD.

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All Anthropologists agree across the board that the ability for humans to STAND, WALK, RUN, & THROW are what separate us from all other life on earth; largely due to our fascial system and its responsibility to govern all motion. We are equipped with fascial meridians that allow us to create efficient locomotion in multiple planes of motion and within each of these meridians, lies the direct connection to the functional efficiency of organ tissue. We are the only species with the ability to stand upright bipedal and perform contralateral reciprocation (fancy term for opposite arm and foot working together) to, quite literally, propel us through space. Our first lesson in contralateral reciprocation comes to us in the form of learning to crawl as babies, where we use the opposite hand and foot to create movement. This is why there is a link to developmental disorders, learning disorders, and motor-function disorders from children who skipped the crawling phase of their life. We should not look at the human body as inter-dependent muscle function, but rather a bag or a web of fascia that has over 600 unique functions and this fascial system is intricately connected to the immune system, the digestive system, the nervous system, the respiratory system, etc. and therefore, we should always consider our health and wellbeing as a sum of all parts... never any one system in isolation.

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